2012 – 2013

CUHK School of Journalism and Communication to present at IAMCR Conference in Dublin
Date: |
25 – 29 June 2013 |
Details: |
Four faculty members, eight graduate students and six alumni represented the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong in the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference in Dublin, 25-29 June 2013.
CUHK School of Journalism and Communication to present and hold reception at ICA Conference in London
Date: |
17 – 21 June 2013 |
Venue: |
Meeting Rooms 1 – 6, Hilton London Metropole Hotel |
Details: |
Twelve faculty members, eight graduate students and three alumni represented the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong in the International Communciation Association’s (ICA) 63rd annual conference in London June 17-21, 2013. They have presented a total of 23 authored or co-authored papers and chaired three panel discussion sessions.The paper “Credibility in Crisis: Agenda Building and Crisis Communicative Strategy at a Chinese NGO” co-authored by PhD student Alice CHENG Yang, Prof. Christine HUANG, and MSSc graduate CHAN Ching Man AND the paper “An Investigation of Infant Milk Powder Product Safety Crisis Management in Mainland China: Crisis Communicative Strategies, Organization Ownership Type, Confidence in Organization and Media Image” authored by MPhil graduate Echo Huang Peiyi both won theBest Student Paper Award in the Public Relations Division. The paper “New Forms of Transborder Visuality in Urban China: Saving Face for Magazine Covers” by Prof. Eric Ma was awarded as the Top Faculty Paper in the Visual Communication Division.A reception was also held in Hilton London Metropole Hotel on June 18, 2013. The event was well attended by more than a hundred alumni and overseas scholars in communication.
International Conference on New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries
Date: |
7 – 8 June 2013 |
Venue: |
The C-Centre, 3/F, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
The international conference “New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries” will be held in Hong Kong on June 7-8, 2013. This event is not only a platform for scholars’ discussion on the past, present, and future of the creative and media industries but also one of the programs for celebrating the 50th Golden Jubilee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.Among all creative industries, games are one of the mainstream entertainment form consumed by people from different age groups. Games have been integrated into the daily lives of citizens as mainstream form of digital entertainment, a site of education, and even as a profession through different communication technological devices. Despite games’ popularity and social significance, games were misconceived as marginal and frivolous. In the present, games are in fact one of the few most dominant entertainment forms in developed economies, one of the most lucrative creative industries, and the most profitable IT application. Investigation of the development of game industries and markets in different countries are therefore useful for HK. HK’s game industries urgently need the help of cultural policies, business models, regulation, and industry norms to propel them into the Chinese and Asian markets. In view of the urgent need for relevant information and policies, this conference aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the game industries in HK with an international comparative perspective.Apart from helping to achieving practical economic goals, this conference will make an important theoretical contribution to the fields of media studies, globalization studies, and game studies. In this conference the data and findings in games studies, creative and media industries fields will be shared among scholars. We will focus on comparative analyses of the cultural policies, regulations, creative clustering, industrial development strategies, consumption practices, and game markets of the countries that have collected data on. This conference will be significant not merely for the game industries but also for Hong Kong’s other creative and media industries like films, pop music, design, fashion, and advertising that are facing keen competition from Asian competitors.This will be a 2-day event that consists of 8 sessions including a round-table session, which will draw leading academics from around the world.
- For more information, please click here
CUHK School of Journalism and Communication to present at NCA Convention in Orlando
Date: |
15 – 18 November 2012 |
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One faculty member and three graduate students represented the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong in the National Communication Association (NCA) 98th Annual Convention in Orlando, November 15-18, 2012.
CUHK School of Journalism and Communication to present at AEJMC Conference in Chicago
Date: |
9 – 12 August 2012 |
Details: |
One faculty member and nine graduate students represented the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) annual conference in Chicago, August 9-12, 2012.

The Chinese University Communication Visiting Scholar Programme 2013
Public Engagement: Communicating Health in Chinese Societies
Date: |
25 – 26 January 2013 |
Venue: |
Room 312, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Since its initiation in 2008, the widely received CUHK Communication Visiting Scholar Program has been organized annually by the School of Journalism and Communication at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Program aims to promote academic exchange and links among Chinese-speaking scholars in cultural China, improve the quality of research of the Chinese research community, and represent the School as the centripetal center of Chinese communication research.
NVivo Training Workshop
Date: |
27 August 2012 |
Venue: |
Room 303, Chien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK |
Journalist Survey Analysis
Date: |
6 – 11 June 2012 |
Details: |
How to do a journalist study? Which theory and method can we use in the study of journalists? What contextual issues do we need to pay attention? The workshop held in June 2012 sponsored by the C-Centre helped research students to figure out the above questions through academic discussion and data analysis. Prof. Francis Lee served as the coordinator of the workshop. Several research faculty delivered lectures at the workshop and also joined the discussion. |
Seminar and Lecturers

How the Iron Law of Oligarchy Extends to Peer Production: Evidence from Wikia Communities
Date: |
8 August 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Aaron Shaw, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University |
Media Piracy in Emerging Economies
Date: |
13 June 2013 |
Time: |
10:00 am |
Venue: |
LT4, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK |
Speakers: |
Dr. Joe Karaganis, Vice President, The American Assembly, Columbia University |
Dr. Jinying Li, Assistant Professor, School of Writing, Literature and Film, Oregon State University |
Dr. Yahong Li, Associate Professor, Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong |
Dr. Laikwan Pang, Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Date: |
22 May 2013 |
Time: |
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
謝耘耕教授,上海交通大學人文藝術研究院副院長、傳媒經濟與管理研究中心主任 |
Bigger Cities, Smaller Screens: Urbanization, Mobile Phones, and Digital Media Trends in Africa
Date: |
22 May 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Adam C. Powell III, Senior Fellow, International Mobile Studies, USC Center on Communication Leadership and Policy University of Southern California |
Internationalizing “International Communication” Research: Critical Reflections and a New Point of Departure
Date: |
19 April 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Chin-chuan Lee, Chair Professor, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong |
Date: |
28 February 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
洪浚浩教授,美國布法羅紐約州立大學傳播系教授、哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心研究員 |
Greater China Visiting Scholar Talk Series
Date: |
28 – 31 January 2013 |
Talk 1: |
恐懼訴求視角下看媒體的控煙報導 |
Speaker: |
陳虹教授,華東師範大學傳播學院副院長 |
Talk 2: |
「重要他人」重要嗎?人際溝通與節能減碳行為之採納 |
Speaker: |
黃鈴媚教授,世新大學口語傳播學系專任教授 |
Talk3: |
隱蔽的控制與公開的抗爭—從西安讀書會風波說起 |
Speaker: |
王天定教授,西安外國語大學新聞與傳播學院教授 |
Getting into the Black Box of Human Information Processing-psychophysiology and Processing of Mediated messages
Date: |
24 January 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 208, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Zhou Shuhua, Professor, Telecommunication and Film Department, University of Alabama |
The influence of public opinion, media use, and the senses of humor on attitudes toward marginalized populations
Date: |
5 December 2012 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
David Atkin, Professor of Communication at the University of Connecticut |
International Advertising Strategies in the Digital Information Age
Date: |
21 November 2012 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Carolyn Lin, Professor of Communication at the University of Connecticut |
Impacts of cultural environmental changes on performing art groups in Taiwan
Date: |
7 November 2012 |
Time: |
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 208, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Sue S.C. Huang, Director of Research Center of Culture Art & Creative Industries in Nanhua University |
The new games paradigm: what is it, how did it happen, how long will it last?
Date: |
17 October 2012 |
Time: |
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 314, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Stuart Cunningham, Distinguished Professor of Media and Communication, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia |
Soft Law, Governance and the Developmental State: Assessing Creative Industries Strategies for Developing Countries
Date: |
12 September 2012 |
Time: |
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 11, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Terry Flew, Professor of Media and Communications in the Creative Industries Faculty at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) |
The Life and Times of “Chimerica”: Global Discourses on U.S.-China Economic Integration, World Financial Crisis, and Power Shifts
Date: |
18 June 2012 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 208, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Yuezhi Zhao, Associate Director and Professor at the School of Communication of Simon Fraser University |
Digital Divide and Internet Use in China: Can the Internet Facilitate Citizenship Engagement?
Date: |
14 June 2012 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 208, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Pan Zhongdang, Professor of Communication Science in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Inaugural Seminar for the Center for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research (The C-Center)
Date: |
19 April 2012 |
Time: |
11:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Venue: |
Room 415, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Speaker: |
Daniel Hallin, Professor at the Department of Communication at University of California in San Diego and a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University |
The Research Club

From Christian Monasteries to HK Shopping Malls
Date: |
12 April 2013 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
What is the relationship between Christian monasteries in medieval Europe and shopping malls in 21st century Hong Kong? Or, how can we link together these institutions, together with 19th century mental hospitals or 20th century primary schools, through their architectural designs and ideas of utopia and/or total control manifested in the designs?These will be some of the questions discussed in next week’s TRC gathering.We have invited Prof. Yves Winkin, our visiting professor this semester, to be the speaker. The title of the talk is “From Christian monasteries to HK shopping malls: a spatial approach to enchantment and control.” As the topic suggests, the talk will combine Prof. Winkin’s long-time intellectual interests with his observations in Hong Kong. |
Maid Cafes
Date: |
8 March 2013 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Photos are one type of items most frequently shared among friends through social media. Besides photos taken during trips to other countries or gatherings, many people nowadays – men or women, old or young or super-young- also share with their friends various kinds of “self-portraits,” ranging from standard mug-shots to sexually provocative images.The self-portrait culture is sometimes dismissed by commentators as a sign of narcissism. But is it? How can we examine this type of online behavior?Xam and Eric, two of our current MPhil students, have conducted a project last semester investigating into the factors leading to self-portrait behavior and how self-portrait behavior relates to conceptions of the self.They have also developed a body display index for the purpose. They will share with us their ideas and findings in this Friday’s TRC gathering. |
Sharing on Thesis Writing
Date: |
22 February 2013 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Is study life hard or easy for you, writing papers, preparing thesis, attending conferences, and dealing with readings? How can we manage our study life better and be productive graduate students? Are you struggling to decide whether to find a job in media industry after graduation or go straight into the academia?Will professional experience help academics become more sensitive to media phenomena?We hope you may find your answers in our upcoming TRC@C-Center gathering on Feb 22, Friday, 4pm.Michael Chan, our new assistant professor and current graduate from our PhD program, will be the guest. Michael was a journalist in Japan and an editor in a publishing house in Hong Kong before going back to graduate school. He has produced a number of papers during his graduate studies. He will share with us his studies at CUHK, including the process of thesis writing, the issue of time management in general, and the challenges he faced. He will also share with us his views about the relationship between professional experience and academic work. Of course, we can feel free to raise other relevant questions for discussions too. |
The Grand Master
Date: |
1 February 2013 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
The new semester has already begun, and the first TRC@C-Center gathering will be held on Feb 1, 4pm. We will talk about a topic related to one of the hottest movies at this moment, The Grand Master. Precisely, two of our PhD students will lead a discussion on the Ip Man phenomenon.Growing up in Hong Kong, I have never heard of Ip Man until that movie a few years ago. Suddenly Ip Man is a national hero. How can we understand and analyze this phenomenon? Law Wing Sang of Lingnan U and Cheung Siu Keung of Shuyan U have written on the construction of nationalism and the representation of colonialism in the Ip Man movies. But beyond nationalism and colonialism, what else? From Huang Feihong to Ip Man, the kung fu heroes in Hong Kong movies are often from Guangdong. So is the nation imagined pretty much from a “Southern perspective” after all? |
Hong Kong Identity
Date: |
7 December 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
We will have the last TRC@C-Center gathering this Friday, 4pm. This semester began with a class strike at CUHK due to the national education controversy. So it’s quite appropriate to end the semester by discussing the problematics of nationalism and local identity in the city, isn’t it? Eric will speak on the topic.The question of national/local identity is arguably THE most widely studied topic by scholars in the humanities and social sciences in HK in the past 15 years. There’s a huge literature, and you can easily find many relevant articles. If you have time and interests, you guys may take a look at the last chapter in Eric’s book Desiring Hong Kong, Consuming South China. And if some of you want to read something about the problematic of Chinese identity beyond the Hong Kong context, Ien Ang’s On Not Speaking Chinese is a good read. And I am tempted to cite her here: “if I am inescapably Chinese by descent, I am only sometimes Chinese by consent. When and how is a matter of politics.” |
Leng-mo Sexy
Date: |
23 November 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Lengmo – literally means young models – has been one of the most controversial popular cultural phenomena in Hong Kong in the past three to four years or so. From the Lengmo phenomenon to A&F, issues of gender, body, and sexuality have become very timely and significant. The Lengmo phenomenon also called our attention to questions of taste hierarchy and of the political economy of the entertainment industry, and maybe other things as well.Donna has been working on a research project on Lengmo in the past two years and she will share with us her observations and insights about the phenomenon. |
Gangnam Style
Date: |
2 November 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
For this Friday, some of the teachers are very interested in the Gangnam style phenomenon – a phenomenon that touches on so many key issues in media studies these days: pop music and pop culture, transnational media flow, globalization, social media and user-generated contents, etc.So, TRC Gangnam Style, 4pm this Friday. Anthony, who just come back from Korea, will lead the discussion by sharing his insights. Eric will join us at 5pm. |
Dancing with My Dissertation
Date: |
19 October 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Quan Xixi will share with us her ideas and observations related to her dissertation, which deals with street dancing culture in Hong Kong. |
Cosmopolitan Communities of Global Risks
Date: |
5 October 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
Mao Zhifei will share with us on her paper, “Cosmopolitan communities of global risks,” which has won a top student paper award in the upcoming NCA meeting in November. |
Sharing on an AEJMC Best Paper
Date: |
21 September 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Details: |
The “speaker” of our first TRC gathering this Friday will be Nick Zhang, our 4th year PhD student. He will talk about the paper with which he won a best paper award at this year’s AEJMC conference in Chicago. |
Special Activities

Date: |
5 July 2013 |
Time: |
2:00 pm |
Venue: |
Room 213, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK |
Opening Ceremony of C-Centre
Date: |
25 January 2013 |