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資料庫電視新聞檔案庫C研究中心成立的電視新聞檔案,為學術研究提供香港電視新聞和中國內地中央電視台主要新聞節目(即《新聞聯播》)的紀錄資料。建立電視新聞檔案的目的是促進關於電視新聞的研究。我們尤其希望這些檔案資料可以為跨國比較研究項目提供基礎。 目前可用資料包括:
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中國互聯網研究文獻目錄C研中心正在進行一個搜羅中國互聯網研究相關學術出版物的研究,該研究包含中文及英文出版物。現開放提供最新的中國互聯網研究文獻目錄(APA 格式)予各位下載。 此外,各位亦可透過一網上群組:Chinese Internet Research Group 獲得及搜尋相關資料。Mendeley是一個公開的引用管理系統同時備有社交網路程式。你可以在系統登記然後點按“follow the goup”。我們歡迎各位參與並提供資料致使文獻目錄能包括最新的資訊。如有資料提供,請在留言板(comment board)上寫上文獻名稱及其他相關資訊。如希望認識多點關於Mendeley的使用方式,請按此瀏覽。 |
1. | World Value Survey | WVS is about changing values and their impact on social and political life. The WVS in collaboration with EVS (European Values Study) carried out representative national surveys in 97 societies containing almost 90 percent of the world’s population with five waves of surveys, from 1981 to 2007. |
2. | General Social Survey | The GSS is the largest project funded by the Sociology Program of the National Science Foundation. The GSS contains a standard ‘core’ of demographic and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. The GSS started in 1972 and completed its 28th round in 2010. |
3. | Pew Research Center | PRC provides independent public opinion survey research about American attitudes toward politics and policy, journalism trends, impact of internet and technology, religion and public affairs, global attitudes and social trends. |
4. | ICPSR | ICPSR, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, was established in 1962. An integral part of the infrastructure of social science research, ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. |
5. | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) | UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) – the primary source for cross-nationally provides comparable statistics on education, science and technology, culture, and communication for more than 200 countries and territories. |
6. | TransMONEE | TransMONEE – The database captures a vast range of data relevant to the social and economic situation and well-being of children, young people and women in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS). The data are updated annually. |
7. | UNECE – United Nations Economic | Commission for EuropeIt provides statistical information on the population of 56 countries. |
8. | World Bank | World Bank – Offers access to national and international statistics and global statistical programs. The site includes the Social Indicators of Development, Trends in Developing Economies, and the Annual Reports. |
9. | Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) | BLS is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the field of labor economics and statistics. |
10. | Gallup | Gallup – The world’s leading source of public opinion since 1935. |
11. | OECD | The mission of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. OECD is funded by its member countries. The largest contributor is the United States, which provides nearly 22% of the budget, followed by Japan. |
12. | CPANDA | CPANDA, the Cultural Policy & the Arts National Data Archive, is the world’s first interactive digital archive of policy-relevant data on the arts and cultural policy in the United States. It was founded in 2001. It is a collaborative effort of Princeton University’s Firestone Library and the Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. |
13. | Institute for Research in Social Science (University of North Carolina) | Founded in 1924, the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science supports the teaching and research mission of social science at UNC. |
14. | State of the Nation’s Cities: A Comprehensive Database on American Cities and Suburbs | State of the Nation’s Cities: A Comprehensive Database on American Cities and Suburbs – As part of a contribution to the United Nations’ Habitat II conference in Istanbul in June 1996, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) contracted with the Center for Urban Policy Research to assemble a comprehensive database on 77 American cities and suburbs. As of January 19, 1998 Version 2.2a of the database brings together over 3,000 variables from a wide variety of sources, allowing easy comparability of indicators on employment and economic development, demographic measures, housing and land use, income and poverty, fiscal conditions, and a host of other health, social, and environmental indicators. |
15. | Princeton University: Data and Statistical Service (DSS) | DSS maintains the University Data Library and provides electronic data. Users can inspect a list and short description of popular datasets, search for and download data. |
16. | Australian Social Science Data Archive | The Australian Social Science Data Archive (ASSDA) is a consortium of leading national Australian universities, managed by the Australian National University (ANU). ASSDA was established at the ANU in 1981 with computer readable data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make these data available for further analysis. |
17. | Swedish Social Science Data Services (Sweden) | SND is a service organization for Swedish research within the humanities, social sciences and health sciences. |
18. | Japan Statistics Bureau and Statistics Center | JSBSC coordinates the statistical activities of different ministries and agencies. It also carries out major censuses and sample surveys, such as the Population Census and the Establishment and Enterprise Census. |
19. | Council of European Social Science Data Archives | CESSDA is an umbrella organization for social science data archives across Europe. |