

年份 首席研究员 项目名称
2021-22 魏然教授 (Mis)communication, Trust, and Information Environments: A Comparative Study of the COVID-19 “Infodemics” in Four Chinese Societies

researchproject-banner 优配研究金 (GRF)/杰出青年学者计划 (ECS) 

年份 首席研究员 项目名称
2024-25 李立峯教授 Generalized Rejection versus Diet Management: Explicating News Avoidance and Its Impact under Democratic Backsliding
2024-25 陈力深教授 Understanding Dating App Use and Non-Use Among Transgender People in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Taipei: An Integrated Approach
2023-24 李立峯教授 Journalistic Risk Assessment and Management under Uncertainty: Implications on Press Freedom in Hong Kong
2023-24 梁海教授 Leaderless Organization: A Systematic Examination of the Leaderlessness of Twitter Protests
2022-23 陈艺强教授 Moral Economies of Labor Platforms: A Comparative Study of Platform Power in Hong Kong and Taiwan
2022-23 陈志敏教授 Examining the Effectiveness of Social Media Fact-check Labels to Mitigate the Effects of Misinformation: A Cross-national Comparison
2022-23 方可成教授 Paywall and Journalism Culture: A Comparative Study of Six Newsrooms in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
2020-21 梁海教授 The Political Consequences of Uncivil Talk on Social Media: Political Emotion, Attitude, and Participation in Hong Kong
2019-20 廖雪婷教授 Digital feminist activism in China: Promises, pitfalls, and futures
2018-19 冯应谦教授 Reading Online Fiction in China: Cultural Consumption, Production and Identity Formation of Youth Culture
2017-18 朱顺慈教授 Mediated Memories, Interpretive Communities and Cultural Identities: Forty Years of Mass Protests in Hong Kong
2017-18 黄懿慧教授 Picking Your Poison: An Analysis of Public Risk Perception, Institutional Trust, and Crisis Communication during Food and Water-safety Crises in Risk Society
2017-18 徐洛文教授 “HTTP ERROR 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons”: Global Internet Platforms and the Political Economy of the Free Flow of Information
2016-17 冯应谦教授 Reading Border-crossing Japanese Comics / Anime in China: Cultural Consumption, Fandom, and Imagination
2016-17 吴晓教授 Sense-making under China’s Censored Abundance: The Transformation of Political Orientations through Reflexive Media Practices
2015-16 金素罗教授 Explicating the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication in the Process of Organizations’ CSR: Focusing on Chinese Consumers’ Perspectives
2015-16 赛诗雅教授 Transit Communication and Forced Migration: A View from Hong Kong
2015-16 邱林川教授 Working-Class Public Spheres: Media and Activism Since “Foxconn Suicide Express”
2015-16 陈萱庭教授 The Network Agenda Setting Model and Partisan Selective Exposure: Examining The Issue of Universal Suffrage for The Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong
2014-15 冯应谦教授 Produced in China, Consumed in Hong Kong: The Study of Transforming Hong Kong Cultural Identities and Comic Production
2014-15 李立峯教授 Media, Public Opinion, and the Dynamics of Political Scandals: A Communicative Event Perspective
2013-14 陈韬文教授 Media, Social Organizations, State, and Social Remembering: Testing the Public Contestation Model of Collective Memory with the Tiananmen Incident in Hong Kong
2013-14 陈志敏教授 The Use of Social Media for Political and Civic Engagement: A Study of Hong Kong Citizens
2012-13 李立峯教授 The Protest Paradigm Revisited: Media Coverage of Contentious Collective Actions in the Movement Society

中文大学研究补助金 (Direct Grant) 

年份 首席研究员 项目名称
2023-24 梁海教授 Understanding Coordinated Information Operations through Experiments on a Self-developed Social Media Platform
2023-24 赛诗雅教授 Next-generation Technologies and Climate Migration
2023-24 方可成教授 Using Generative AI for Content Analysis of News Articles: A Pilot Study
2022-23 陈萱庭教授 Motivation or Algorithm Matters: How Motivation and Nudges Influence News Feed Curation on Algorithmic News Platforms
2022-23 梁海教授 How do Newsroom Policies Impact Journalists’ Social Media Practices and Audience Engagement?
2021-22 赛诗雅教授 Mobilities in the Metaverse: Socio-technological Imaginaries from Asia
2021-22 李立峯教授 Journalistic Risk Management under Political and Legal Uncertainty: The Case of Hong Kong
2021-22 陈力深教授 Dating across Difference: Demographic, Psychological, and Communicative Characteristics of Individuals Who Are Willing to Date across the Political Divide
2020-21 陈萱庭教授 The Antecedents and Consequences of Exposure to Fake News and Fact-checking Behaviors
2020-21 海莹教授 Modelling Ecology: Climate Uncertainty and Technologies of Speculation
2020-21 陈志敏教授 That Can’t Be True! Examining Audiences’ Social Media News Authentication Behaviors in the Era of Fake News
2019-20 陈萱庭教授 Pathways to a Deliberative and Active Citizenry: The Outcomes of Political Disagreement and the Approaching and Avoiding Strategies
2019-20 金素罗教授 Public Expectations and Online Engagement of Crisis Communication: Focusing on Pandemic Crises
2019-20 赛诗雅教授 Migration and Start-up Cultures in Hong Kong
2018-19 李立峯教授 Cultural imagination of investment and home-buying under real-estate-centric financialization: A follow-up study
2018-19 梁海教授 The Ideological Bias of Perceived Incivility Online: A Survey Experiment in Hong Kong
2018-19 廖雪婷教授 In bed with trolls: Online misogyny in the aftermath of #MeToo in China
2017-18 陈萱庭教授 Social Media Use and Deliberative and Participatory Engagement: A Comparative Study of University Students in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China
2017-18 黄懿慧教授 Revisiting the communicative response model in Mainland China: Multi-case studies of how the Chinese State Media Communicate Food Safety Crises in the World Consumer Rights Day
2017-18 李立峯教授 The impact of online incivility on public opinion formation and expression: An online survey experiment
2016-17 金昭廷教授 Effects of Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis Corporate Advertising
2016-17 李立峯教授 Critical Event and Memory Re-negotiation: Collective Memory about Tiananmen in Hong Kong after the Umbrella Movement
2015-16 黄懿慧教授 Food and Water in Risk Society: A Content Analysis of Traditional and New Media Reactions to Crisis Communication during Food and Water-Safety Crises
2015-16 陈志敏教授 Multimodal connectedness, media multiplexity and psychological well-being: A lifespan perspective on the impact of interpersonal communication technologies on quality of life
2014-15 陈萱庭教授 The use of mobile social media, privacy concerns and democratic engagement: A study of Hong Kong citizens
2014-15 黄懿慧教授 Towards a Chinese model of crisis communication: Revisiting the applicability of western crisis theories in Mainland China
2014-15 金昭廷教授 Investigating Consumer Engagement in Social Media Mobile Applications
2014-15 吴晓教授 On the Human-Machine Frontier: The Rise of Data Science Expertise in Digital Capitalism
2013-14 陈萱庭教授 The role of emotion in individuals’ cognitive process, political attitudes, and political behaviors: A study of political satirical content
2013-14 黄懿慧教授 Contaminated food, crisis communication, and media response in three Chinese societies
2013-14 梁永炽教授 Linking Telecommuting to Quality of Life : An Investigation of Motivating and Inhibiting Factors for Adoption in Hong Kong
2013-14 金昭廷教授 Investigating the Effect of Brand Attachment in Crises
2012-13 赛诗雅教授 Forced Migrants and ICT in Hong Kong
2012-13 陈志敏教授 Multiple uses. Diverse effects? The impact of mobile phone usage on social capital and subjective well-being

researchproject-banner3 C-Centre 研究补助金 (C-Grant) 

年份 首席研究员 项目名称
2023-24 陈志敏教授 Assessing the Transformative Potentials of Young Social Media Influencers on Political Engagement: A Cross-national Analysis
2023-24 Nishant Shah 教授 In Search of the Digital Author: Author Function in the Age of Generative AI
2023-24 杨天教授 Platformization and News Engagement: A Comparative Study
2022-23 金素罗教授 A Quantitative Review of CSR communication Research in Public Relations from 1980 to 2021: Its Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions
2022-23 李立峯教授 Journalistic Risk Management under Political and Legal Uncertainty: The Case of Hong Kong
2022-23 王锦屏教授 Being Both Fake and Real: Explicating Factors Influencing Perceived Authenticity in Virtual Influencers
2021-22 王锦屏教授 Understanding Algorithm Awareness in Digital Advertising: A Consumer Perspective
2021-22 陈艺强教授 Folk Theories of Algorithms and Content Moderation across Social Media Platforms in Hong Kong
2021-22 方可成教授 Hyperlocal Journalism in Hong Kong: Journalistic and Civic Resilience through Community Media
2020-21 魏然教授 Communicating Environmental Protection via Virtual Reality: An Experiment to Examine Effects of Spatial Presence and Realism on Risk Perceptions of Discarded Face Masks and Intention for Protection in Hong Kong
2020-21 苏钥机教授、
Journalistic Role Performance in Hong Kong: Evaluation and Comparison under International Context
2019-20 陈力深教授 Political Uses of Dating Apps Among Hong Kong College Students
2019-20 利嘉敏教授 A Study on the Intergenerational Wars in the Families during the Anti-extradition Movement
2019-20 方可成教授 Mobile Live Streaming in the Media Coverage of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
2018-19 金素罗教授 Characteristics of Online Firestorms in Social Media: Comparative Research between China and USA
2017-18 陈志敏教授 “With our flesh and blood, let us build a new Great Wall!” Does National Anthem Exposure Influence Individuals’ Processing of News?
2017-18 陈萱庭教授 Media Coverage and Public Opinion on PM2.5 in China: A Networked Agenda-Setting Study
2017-18 廖雪婷教授 The Creative Multitude in Becoming: Women’s Culture of Fashion Imitation in China
2016-17 陈萱庭教授 Antecedents and consequences of mobile devices as second screen use: A case study of the 2016 Legislative Council Election in Hong Kong
2016-17 黄懿慧教授 Internet use, dialogic capacity, authoritarian value and their effects on institutional trust
2016-17 金昭廷教授 An examination of CSR information processing in a crisis
2016-17 金素罗教授 Public Comment Policies of Online Platforms on Harmful Online Communication: Focusing on China, South Korea, Germany, and the US
2016-17 梁海教授 The Impact of Warmth on Altruism
2016-17 吴晓教授 Comparing Web Use Patterns in the Old and New Internet Worlds: Demographic Profiles of Chinese and American Internet Traffic
2015-16 朱顺慈教授 A Bachelor’s Dream: The Facts and Fictions of a Chinese Reality Show
2015-16 黄懿慧教授 Relationship Orientation of Chinese Netizens – An Online Survey Study of the Dual-Factor Relational Model among University Students in Mainland China
2015-16 金昭廷教授 Shopping Motivation and Social Commerce Behavior
2015-16 徐洛文教授 Do We Have The Right to Access Our Own Information? The collection, retention, disclosure and use of personal data under the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance in Hong Kong
2014-15 陈志敏教授 The role of ethnic identification in the linguistic intergroup bias: Examining how stereotypical attitudes towards Mainland Chinese by Hong Kongers are manifested through language
2014-15 金昭廷教授 Investigating Antecedents and Consequences of Korean Wave
2014-15 吴晓教授 The Rise of the Global South on the World Wide Web: Bridging Internet Policies and Web User Behavior
2012-13 黄懿慧教授 National Work, Life & Gender
2012-13 李立峯教授 Comparative Research on Social Media Usage and Civic Engagement
2012-13 李赖俊卿教授 Compare Development Strategies for Creative Industries in Singapore and Hong Kong
2012-13 梁永炽教授 Predicting Smartphone Addiction: A Comparative Study of Procrastination, Leisure Boredom, Impulsivity, and Personality among University Students in China, Hong Kong and Singapore
